“Shades of Gold” Club Weeklorileehuerena2022-09-09T12:04:43-07:00
Club advisors, get your officers selected and t-shirts and promotional swag ordered for fall 2022 “Shades of Gold”.
“Shades of Gold” week, more officially known as club recruitment week, is the period of time when clubs recruit students to their respective clubs. Clubs are designed to offer social and academic support or even volunteer opportunities. Clubs are encouraged to invite students to social events and gatherings this week that allow prospective and current students to get to know each other. The chance to meet new friends in an organized atmosphere is a big draw when students consider joining a club. In addition, older club members can mentor new students who are adjusting to life in high school. That mentorship proves to be important as students who join a club have a higher graduation rate than those who don’t.
So get organized and increase club participation and retention by recruiting new members this week! This is your golden opportunity.
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