VPS Core Values Our schools prioritize our core values of safety, belonging, equity, integrity, love of learning, and community every day. Listen to our students share thoughts about the core values that are most important to them.
Rebecca from Washington Elementary and
from Hough Elementary, talk about belonging
Hear Citlali and Charlie
from Lake Shore Elementary talk about belonging and community
Marcos from Skyview High School and
from Harney Elementary share thoughts about their love of learning
Elementary Options Kindergarten registration is now open for the 2024-25 school year, and there are a wide variety of choices available in addition to your neighborhood school.
Learn more about the Kindergarten registration process and options for your child on our website. Please help us spread the word to neighbors and friends who may not yet have children at VPS.
2024-25 Budget Planning
At the March 12 Board meeting, we will share our proposal for balancing the 2024-25 budget with our school board. The plan will outline steps for addressing the $35 million funding gap next year.
March is Music in Our Schools Month
During March, the National Association for Music Education observes Music in Our Schools Month®
raising awareness of the importance of music education. Our students benefit from music education and performance opportunities in music classes, band, orchestra and chorus.
For a complete list of performances,
please see our website
. We hope to see you at one of these upcoming events!
National Board Certifications
Congratulations to our newest National Board-certified educators! They join the community of 121 National Board-certified educators at VPS.
Kareah Nicoson, Roosevelt and Minnehaha Elementary
Christopher Brosnan, Marshall Elementary
Tricia Hoffarth, JPC
Katie North, Fort Vancouver High School (not pictured)
Kirstin Ribelin
, Virtual Learning Academy and Home Connection (not pictured)
Earning certification requires up to 400 hours of additional work, including passing a content knowledge exam, submitting for review samples of student work and the candidate’s feedback, filming lessons for evaluation and compiling a portfolio of self-reflection pieces.
Governor Jay Inslee visits Ogden Elementary
Governor Jay Inslee visited Ogden earlier this month in a visit focused on special education. Our fourth and fifth-grade student ambassadors led the tour, which included stops at Supported Communication and Inclusion Preschool classrooms.
Our students were excited to host the Governor on his birthday, and enjoyed sharing what they were learning!
March 2024
March 6: Two-hour early release for all schools, staff professional learning
March 15: Student Attendance Day, (snow make-up day)
March 21: Two-hour early release for all schools
March 22: Parent conferences, two-hour early release for elementary schools; no student attendance for middle and high schools
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Vancouver Public Schools does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator, Janell Ephraim, 360-313-1000, janell.ephraim@vansd.org; and Title IX Coordinator, Jeff Fish, 360-313-1000, jeff.fish@vansd.org; and 504 Coordinator, Steve Vance, 360-313-1000, stephen.vance@vansd.org; or by mail to Vancouver Public Schools, PO Box 8937, Vancouver, Washington, 98668- 8937.
Inspiring Learning.
Growing Community.
Each student, Every day.
Vancouver Public Schools
We serve 21,000 amazing students and their families in the great community of Vancouver, Washington!
2901 Falk Road, Vancouver, WA 98661