School counselors improve student success

Counselors are vital members of the education team. They help students thrive in school and work toward their school and life goals.

College and career development

Explore college and careers

Check out these college-planning resources.

Academic achievement

Get help with school

Counselors help students be successful in school. They also can assist with scheduling and graduation requirements.

Social and emotional skills


Students can seek help with personal issues, including family, friends, depression, self-esteem and drug and alcohol use.


Students and families can email counselors to arrange a meeting, ask questions, and get more information. Students and families can also call their counselor, however, be advised that counselors are often unable to take phone calls during the school day. Email is the fastest and most efficient way to contact a counselor.

Students at school can stop by the Counseling Center and fill out a blue slip. Counselors will receive the blue slip and will send a green call slip for the student when they are able to meet.

During remote learning, students can reach out to counselors via the email listed below. Counselors can “meet” with students by email, phone call, or pre-scheduled Zoom sessions.

Graduation requirements

Vancouver Public Schools currently requires 24 credits to graduate.

The new requirements, set by the Washington State Board of Education, were designed to enhance students’ preparedness for life after high school, whether it includes four-year or community college, trade school, military service, the workforce or any other aspirations.

In rare circumstances, a waiver of up to two elective credits could be available for students who attempt but do not reach 24 credits.

Questions about the changing requirements? Please contact your school counselor for more information.

Minimum credit requirements for high school:

Vancouver Schools Graduation Information

**The 3rd credit of science and the 3rd credit of math are chosen by the student based on the student’s interest and High School and Beyond Plan, and approved by the parent or guardian, or if the parent or guardian is unavailable or does not indicate a preference, the school counselor or principal (WAC 180-51-068).

Graduation information flyer

In addition to earning credits, students are required to pass certain state assessments.

Find out more about state testing >>

College-bound students should be aware that entrance requirements vary from college to college. Contact the college or university you plan to attend directly to learn about their specific admission requirements. In general, four-year public universities in Washington state require, at a minimum, the following for admission:

  • World language
  • Lab science
  • Fine, visual and performing arts

Students will be required to earn a specific number of credits in six subject areas; these requirements are called the college academic distribution requirements, or CADRs. The subject areas are math, English, science, social sciences, world languages and the arts.

Latest news

  • HBHS Eagles

Spirit Week 12/16-12/20

Monday - Snowed in (cozy clothes) Tuesday - Timber Tuesday (flannel day) Wednesday - Sweater Weather Wednesday (Holiday Sweaters) Thursday - 100% that Grinch (Whoville/Grinch-themed) Friday - Winter Wonderland (Students will wear white BUT staff should wear sweaters to go with the social committee's plan for the holiday staff breakfast)

Meet the staff

Megan Fullbright
(students A - Cook + Heights Bay Branch Campus)
Lissa Potter
(students: Me - Sam)
Dan Brdar
(students: Cool - Han)
Kara Hecker
(students: Har - Mc)
Ray Lions
(students: San - Z)