lorileehuerena2024-08-30T11:50:50-07:00August 30th, 2024|
Donate new teddy bears, or other stuffed animals, to help calm a child during stressful situations. Stuffed animals must be new, pose no choking hazard, and under 15 inches tall. All donations go to Washington State Troopers District 5. The Hudson's Bay High School Career Center will be accepting donations.
Sara Neal, Communications staff2023-09-27T10:15:39-07:00September 8th, 2023|
All Vancouver Public Schools students are welcome to attend this free event to help plan for after graduation! Make a plan: Visit with representatives from public and private colleges, training programs, trade schools, employers, local unions and military. Learn about financial aid options. See flier for more details
lorileehuerena2022-09-08T08:36:13-07:00September 8th, 2022|
Students and families, come join our FAFSA/WASFA webinar to learn about which financial aid form to apply to, what documents you’ll need, review the FAFSA/WASFA, learn how to address special circumstances, and prepare for next steps! Register in advance for this event.
lorileehuerena2022-09-08T08:44:58-07:00September 8th, 2022|
This event is specifically for parents and caregivers supporting their student in the financial aid process. In this session we will discuss the types of financial aid, how to apply, and parent's role in the application process. Register in advance for this event.
lorileehuerena2022-09-08T08:13:06-07:00September 8th, 2022|
Students and families, come join our FAFSA/WASFA webinar to learn about which financial aid form to apply to, what documents you’ll need, review the FAFSA/WASFA, learn how to address special circumstances, and prepare for next steps! Register in advance for this event.
lorileehuerena2022-09-08T08:14:13-07:00September 8th, 2022|
Estudiantes, adultos y familias podran aprender qué formulario solicitar, cómo prepararse y postularse, cómo evitar errores comunes, cómo abordar circunstancias especiales y más! Regístrese con anticipación para este evento.
lorileehuerena2022-09-08T08:37:21-07:00September 8th, 2022|
Estudiantes, adultos y familias podran aprender qué formulario solicitar, cómo prepararse y postularse, cómo evitar errores comunes, cómo abordar circunstancias especiales y más! Regístrese con anticipación para este evento.
lorileehuerena2022-09-08T08:38:55-07:00September 8th, 2022|
Students and families, come join our FAFSA/WASFA webinar to learn about which financial aid form to apply to, what documents you’ll need, review the FAFSA/WASFA, learn how to address special circumstances, and prepare for next steps! Register in advance for this event.
lorileehuerena2022-09-08T08:39:52-07:00September 8th, 2022|
Estudiantes, adultos y familias podran aprender qué formulario solicitar, cómo prepararse y postularse, cómo evitar errores comunes, cómo abordar circunstancias especiales y más! Regístrese con anticipación para este evento.