
May 2022

CTE Teachers Wanted!

2022-06-03T15:00:33-07:00May 25th, 2022|employ, Future Me Homepage, Gain experience|

CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) is seeking innovative people interested in teaching kids about their industry!  There are CURRENT openings for Business/Marketing, Digital Arts and Family & Consumer Science professionals that are interested in becoming teachers. What's required? Three years experience in industry field (see flyer for program area openings) Ability to share knowledge with [...]

Jan 2022

When Will I Use This?

2022-01-20T08:37:35-08:00January 3rd, 2022|Career Center News, employ, enroll, Future Me Homepage, Gain experience, Scholarships|

"When will I use this?" is a question that Columbia River teacher, Mr. Rob Russell, never hears from his Financial Algebra students.  Financial Algebra is a CTE math course that covers interest (both the kind you pay and the kind you earn) as well as other important financial literacy issues.  This class is offered at [...]

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