
Sep 2023

Fall Internships are OPEN!

2023-09-18T08:11:10-07:00September 6th, 2023|Career Center News, employ, enlist, enroll, Future Me Homepage, Gain experience, Hybrid learning|

VPS has Fall internships available for students 16 years and older. Are you trying to figure out what you want to do after graduating high school? VPS partners with many local businesses and organizations, to provide internships for students to explore different careers. You can even get paid and earn high school and college [...]

May 2021

Grab-and-go meal updated schedule for the rest of the school year | Español | Русский

2021-05-11T09:52:16-07:00May 5th, 2021|Coronavirus, Homepage lead story, Nutrition Services|

Meal pick up options are changing.

Mar 2021

Bus route changes | Cambios en las rutas de autobuses | Изменение маршрутов автобусов

2021-03-09T14:33:01-08:00March 9th, 2021|Homepage lead story, Hybrid learning|

Some of our bus routes have recently changed due to hybrid learning schedules.

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