
May 2023

Student Opportunity: Work at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge this Summer! | Español

2023-05-11T12:23:14-07:00May 5th, 2023|Career Center News, employ, enlist, enroll, Future Me Homepage, Gain experience|

Youth Conservation Corps at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Earn $15.74 per hour! Work outdoors! Have fun while you work! Make a difference for wildlife and the environment! To be eligible: Must be between the ages of 15-18 Must be enrolled in school (during the school year) Must be a U.S. Resident Must be available [...]

Aug 2022

Call to action: Employers, Worksites and Community Members

2022-08-25T11:05:38-07:00August 23rd, 2022|Career Center News, employ, enlist, Gain experience, Scholarships|

There are so many ways that you can work with students to see firsthand all the potential that awaits our local community!  Job shadows, judge a contest, demonstrate a skill or host an intern!  The possibilities are endless!  Start by filling out this form https://bit.ly/vps1partner and someone from the Career & Techncial Education Department [...]

Jun 2022

Get Paid to Improve Your Math

2022-06-08T08:37:58-07:00June 1st, 2022|Career Center News, enlist, enroll, Future Me Homepage, Scholarships|

Are you graduating in June and need to better prepare for future math classes? Clark College has the solution and so many benefits for completing it!  It's called Level Up and Clark College pays students to get better at math! BENEFITS The Level Up program is FREE Class supplies and a calculator are provided Lunch [...]

Jan 2022

Xello (College & Career Research Program) for Families is Here!

2022-02-04T10:46:52-08:00January 28th, 2022|Career Center News, employ, enlist, enroll, Future Me Homepage|

Introducing Xello Family! Help your student research colleges, careers and complete their High School & Beyond Plan (HSBP) in Xello!  In alignment with the mission of Vancouver Public Schools and Washington state’s graduation requirements, the HSBP is a requirement for all graduates and begins in sixth grade. Xello is VPS's online platform for [...]

Dec 2021

Running Start Info Nights

2022-01-13T08:50:17-08:00December 20th, 2021|Career Center News, enlist, Future Me Homepage|

VIRTUAL EVENT What is Running Start?  Running Start is a program that allows motivated students to take college courses as part of their high school education starting their junior year of high school.  Most students can attend part-time or full-time and will earn both high school and college credit for all completed courses.  The cost [...]

Nov 2021

Enroll, Enlist & Employ – Tools for Guidance to Make a Plan

2021-11-15T10:05:35-08:00November 3rd, 2021|Career Center News, employ, enlist, enroll, Future Me Homepage, Gain experience, Scholarships|

VPS’s vision for Career and College Readiness is that all students are enrolled, enlisted, or employed upon graduation and we have the tools to help your student decide what path to take! Xello is our online platform for college and career readiness that allows students to learn about themselves, explore career and educational options, find [...]

May 2021

Student Opportunity: Army Hiring Days

2021-05-24T13:07:06-07:00May 18th, 2021|Career Center News, enlist, Future Me Homepage|

Join the U.S. Army for a special virtual career fair where you’ll talk one-on-one with an Army recruiter and learn about the variety of job opportunities and signing bonuses available.  Army National Hiring Days goes from 5/10/21 to 6/14/21.  Attend to learn about more than 150 career fields offered in the Army. This program is [...]

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